Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

May 22nd, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Approved June 5th 2006

Committee Attendees

David DePree - Co-Chairperson

Marcia Liebman

Craig Edwards

Melissa Mills

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Joel Tran

Bob Levin




Joe Roach - Sharon Selectmen

Ben Puritz – Town Administrator

Rich Powell – Sharon Selectmen

Paul Lauenstein – Water Commission/Planning Board

Rory McGregor - WMAC

Peter O’Cain – Asst. Town Engineer

Peg Arguimibau – Con Comm

Kathleen Barnett - Resident

Barbara Nadler - Library





Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm by Dave DePree


Meeting Minutes

v      Liebman/Tran moved to accept April 10th minutes; unanimously approved.

v      Liebman/Tran moved to accept April 24th minutes; unanimously approved.


Meeting discussion:


1.      Horsley Witten Work

v      Scott Horsley of the Horsley Witten Group addressed the group regarding his firm’s completion of the work for the basement flooding analysis. He explained that they drilled 10 locations; estimating 8 feet from ground water to basement level, Horsley concluded that there is no evidence of the ground water table coming up into local basements.

v      Analysis was based on the data for 10,000 gpd. It is possible that the site could handle 15,000 gpd. .

v      Puritz asked if protection could be added to the 4 homes depicted on the diagram as being in a danger area; Horsley thought that was a possibility.

v      Tran suggested tying in some local residences to one downhill site and then moving the waste from that single site up to the Wilber property may help with the mitigation of nitrates in a more efficient manner than directly tying local residences into the Wilber system.

v      Horsley gave figures for calculating nitrate production as related to amount of waste in different scenarios.

v      DePree requested that Horsley put his conclusions in writing and include ways to increase gpd. He also requested it be in PDF format for posting on the committee website.

v      Horsley stated he would do one more round of testing for additional data this week.


2.      RFP

v      Puritz stated that the draft RFP should be sent to the various town committees and Town Counsel Gelerman contemporaneously.

v      Each committee will be requested to provide any and all comments back to Liebman by 5pm on June 2nd, so she can compile and distribute them by June 4th in preparation for our next meeting. .

v      It was determined that the lease of the property be for 99 years.

v      Barnett requested that existing trees and shrubs not be destroyed in the development process; Edwards responded that the committee is very neighborhood friendly.

v      Committee reviewed the entire RFP to finalize for distribution. Liebman to make all changes and issue as discussed. Liebman is working with Town webmaster to update Committee website and ensure that all documents referenced in the RFP are available.

v      Tran suggested that Stephen Crane attend the 6/5 meeting to provide input as to where to advertise the RFP and various channels to use.

v      It was requested that the WSRC be placed on the selectmen’s agenda for June 6th to approve the RFP so that it can be released (if finalized and comments are back from Town Counsel).


Future Meetings

June 5th, 2006, 7:30pm, Town Hall, Hearing Room Lower Level


Meeting Adjournment

      Edwards/Kahn moved to adjourn meeting at 9:40 pm; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts